Make Your Home Look More Like the Catalog (In a Good Way!)

Why doesn’t your home ever look as nice as it does in the catalog? Even if you buy the exact furniture one-to-one as in the store, once you set it up inside your home it can seem different, even out-of-place. There are plenty of reasons for this – from everyday clutter to less-than-stellar lighting. The […]

Better Bathroom Lighting: Using Mood Lights To Create A Luxurious Finish

Often when we talk about bathroom lighting, it’s in terms of the purely functional: pros and cons of having different kinds of lighting above and around your vanity. But if you’re looking to turn your bathroom into a luxurious, relaxing getaway, lighting should be part of the conversation. And I don’t just mean a fancy […]

Light Up Your Living Room: Six Innovative Ways To Beautify Your Space With The Right Lighting Fixtures

A lot of talk about living room design is dedicated either to the big ticket items – like your sofa, accent chairs, and entertainment system – or to the big surface areas – walls, flooring, and area rugs. After all, these elements make up the lion’s share of your living space. But it overlooks one […]

Layered Kitchen Lighting: How Doubling Down On Your Lighting Fixtures Can Make A Big Difference

The difference between a kitchen that looks good and a kitchen that looks great isn’t how you decorate the space, it’s how you light it. Even the best designed kitchens feel lackluster with inadequate lighting. But a few stylish, well-placed lights can make even an ordinary kitchen come alive. And, of course, good lighting plays […]

Using Lighting Fixtures To Add Definition To A Large, Open Kitchen

In a large kitchen, it’s important to have multiple sources of light, not just to ensure that the whole kitchen is illuminated, but also to help define different areas of the kitchen. A wide open space can feel very welcoming, but if you aren’t careful, it can also feel oversized or even overwhelming. Choosing the […]

Why Choosing A Lighting Fixture From A Big Collection Is Almost Always Better

Choosing a new lighting fixture can be a somewhat daunting process. Even if you have a good idea of the style or type of light you want, the sheer number of options available can be a tad overwhelming. A good way to start narrowing down your options is to look for brands that offer large […]