Ordering, Pricing & Availability

The prices and selection of the products we carry are subject to change without notice. We make every effort to keep our web site current, but there is always a delay from the time our vendors change prices or drop the line and the time we learn about this. Also, data entry mistakes happen. We guarantee prices for all completed orders. An order is considered complete when payment is processed and the order is ready to ship. Should a customer refuse or cancel the order after payment was processed, then all regular Return Policy regulations, including the restocking charge and/or fees associated with credit card charges, will apply. HomeThangs.com cannot make any price or availability commitments on orders which are not processed completely. Custom quotes on bulk orders are available upon request. HomeThangs.com does not guarantee the prices for custom quotes on special order items, the prices are subject to change; in case of change in pricing, a new quote/invoice is sent to the customer to notify of the changes, the most recent quote/invoice sent to the customer prior to shipment shows current up-to-date pricing, and that's the only pricing guaranteed by HomeThangs.com at the time of shipment. Final quote/invoice is a binding contract, by accepting the delivery customer agrees to pay the amount specified on the final invoice.

Back Order Items: Items that are not available immediately can be processed in two ways. We can take a request from the customer, and contact him or her to process an order when the item becomes available. In this case the customer does not have any financial obligations, and HomeThangs.com cannot guarantee the price advertised at the time of initial request. Any order cancellation before estimated date falls under the regular Return Policy rules and all applicable charges apply. The customer may cancel the order and get all of his/her money back in case when HomeThangs.com fails to deliver the product. Special order items are not returnable. Orders for custom made and made to order items cannot be canceled once placed.

Pictures: Pictures or Images on the website may look different on different monitors, and are provided for initial reference only. We cannot guarantee that what you see on your screen will look and feel exactly like the actual product.

Ordering: HomeThangs.com cannot be held responsible for any errors/mistakes made by the Customer while placing his/her order. This includes, but not limited to ordering a wrong item, providing incorrect shipping address, email or phone number etc. It is Customer's responsibility to review order details upon order placement to make sure the item(s) ordered and the contact information provided is correct in order to receive the right item(s) and proper communication regarding the order. Any errors/mistakes in the order placed have to be brought to Homehtangs' attention within 24 hours or before the order ships out. HomeThangs.com provides multiple opportunities for the Customer to review his/her order, which includes communication via phone (for orders accepted over the phone), order confirmation page as a part of checkout process, and email confirmation(s) (sent out with order details upon placing an order and prior to shipment). Any returns/refusals that occured due to such mistakes which have not been reported by the Customer within 24 hours of order placement will be treated as a return and falls under HomeThangs.com's Return Policy.

Order Acceptance: Please note that there may be certain orders that we are unable to accept and must cancel. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to refuse or cancel any order for any reason. For your convenience, you will be charged upon ordering and your order will be shipped within the time stated on the product specific page or mentioned under the "Shipping Policies" section of the website. If your order is unable to ship within 24 hours, we will hold your funds as a deposit on the goods until the product ships. Some situations that may result in your order being canceled include limitations on quantities available for purchase, inaccuracies or errors in product or pricing information, or problems identified by our credit and fraud avoidance department. We may also require additional verifications or information before accepting any order. We will contact you if all or any portion of your order is canceled or if additional information is required to accept your order. If your order is canceled after payment received, we will issue a credit by the charged payment method for the amount of the charge.

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Pricing & Availability
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