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Lighting Accessories, Black

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Task Lighting Black Charcoal ideas and shopping tips from our blog.

I talked a little recently about modern style decor for your kitchen, and the same aesthetic rules can be applied to almost any room in your home. Minimal lines and cool, contrasting colors can give your home a sleek, almost futuristic feel. One of the best ways to do that in a bedroom or living room is using black and white; the white is bright, clean, and hygienic, and the black is striking in contrast against it - the important part is to keep the colors in balance, and I'm here to show you how, and easy ways to copycat designer modern looks >>>...
I've talked a bit before about black and white bathroom design, and how a high-contrast decor can create a visually arresting space. Today I want to talk specifically about black and white bathroom vanities, and how to use just a single piece to give your bathroom a striking modern style. Different amounts of black or white create a totally different aesthetic, so it's important to decide on a balance you like before you buy >>>...
Indoor lighting takes up about one sixth of our total electricity use - a massive quantity of energy directed into light bulbs and tubes to light our way indoors. By 2012, however, light bulbs could be a thing of the past! Light emitting wallpaper and paint will come on the market in 2012 and could potentially be 2. 5 times more efficient than the more energy efficient bulbs already on the market >>>...
I talked in a recent blog post about light emitting wallpaper as one of the future lighting options for homes. Another lighting alternative I recently heard of is the tubular skylight. The tubular skylight consists of a clear plastic dome that is installed on the roof and attached to a highly reflective tube, in effect a sun tunnel, that takes the light absorbed by the dome and transfers it to a ceiling or roof window with a diffuser, which emits it into your home >>>...
Looking to start a landscape lighting project but not sure where to begin? Don't worry, you aren't alone. With all the different types of outdoor lighting available, it can be hard to decide what kind of lights to put where, or even how many you need. Picking a porch light is one thing, but designing a whole back yard is something else entirely >>>...
Been putting off the annual climb on rickety ladders in the snow to prove your holiday spirit? (But not enough that you leave the lights up all year, risking broken bulbs. ) Here, have some Christmas lights ideas and Christmas lights house decorating tips. A little inspiration never hurt anybody >>>...
Confession: I'm a room re-arranger. There's nothing wrong with most of the furniture in my bedroom, but I've been re-arranging it every few weeks to cut down on cabin fever. (It's a small room, with a crazy slanted ceiling) >>>...
When you're doing a kitchen remodel, always budget cash and space for your major appliances. You'll need a fair amount of both, but then without appliances like a kitchen range, oven hood, dishwasher, and microwave,  it wouldn't be much of a kitchen. You're also gonna hurt yourself cooking in the dark and squinting at recipes, so plan for the perfect lighting >>>...
Look up. Most people forget about ceiling design. They'll stuff a room with furniture and change the curtains twice a year, but the ceiling is lucky if it gets a fresh coat of paint now and then >>>...
Skip garden gnomes and pink flamingoes. Those are predictable, even if they were kinda cute lawn decorations when someone first thought of them. But there is something about backyard landscaping that brings out the fairy tale in all of us >>>...