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Design Element ideas and shopping tips

For the French, their cultural heritage is something like a national treasure. Living in a building with a history is infinitely higher valued than owning a high priced McMansion, and even their interior design carries over and refers back to prior versions of itself. In that way, French design is both eclectic and decadent, emphasizing comfort, history, and sophistication. Which is why French design is often exported and lovingly adopted around the world. What has come to be known as French Country design - an evolved and updated version of French Provincial style - is perhaps the most commonly imitated, and is a great place to start if you're looking to build a decadent, old-world inspired luxury bathroom. What Goes Into A French Country Bathroom Design? French Country Bathroom Design...
Cape Cod bathroom design has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. If you ask me, it's because out of any distinct bathroom style, Cape Cod bathrooms do the best job of fitting a luxurious, elegant atmosphere into a smaller space. You see, Cape Cod style homes are often coastal vacation homes - small cottages and cabins on the beach poised to enjoy a cool ocean breeze on a hot day. The bathrooms reflect the smaller home size, but also the posh style of families that can afford a second home on the Cape, making them a perfect option for anyone that wants a luxury bathroom that will fit a smaller floor plan. Bathtub Marie Louise Cast Iron Clawfoot Tub From Herbeau Shop Clawfoot Tubs: Shop Bathroom Vanities Sale: Cape Cod bathroom design is a classic turn of the century s...
Much of bathroom design has been trending toward a simpler, more classic cottage style. Like the kitchen, where an old fashioned farmhouse look is booming, homeowners are looking for bathrooms that combine a timeless appearance with a practical, down to earth design that's convenient and comfortable to use. Every element of a cottage bathroom is one part style and one part functionality, making it the best way to get a posh, classy look that fits with a casual contemporary lifestyle. Pedestal Sinks A Simple Pedestal Sink Adds An Instant Touch Of Elegance And Sophistication To A Cottage Style Bathroom (by Kate Jackson Design) Shop Pedestal Sinks Pedestal sinks are the heart and soul of a cottage style bathroom. Various bathroom vanities will work, of course, but right now pedest...
Outside of the kitchen, the bedroom is where I spend most of my time in the house. Its a meditative, personal space that, in my opinion, has the most clout with how I feel about my home. What I mean is: if my bedroom's a dump, I'm going to be grumpy as I fall asleep, when I wake up and as I'm hanging out there, concentrating more on the state of my surrounding than whatever I'm trying to do. This is partly my own personal neurotic streak, but I think most people would agree that the bedroom is the refuge of the home, the sanctuary. And some folks like their sanctuaries extra personalized and stylized! Check out these unusual bedrooms: This bed is available in many colors and can be purchased here. Seven years of study went...
The new millenium will accommodate the average guy's design standard for his bathroom renovation beyond his expectations. These bizarre bathroom installations offer men what they love most, women, drink and humor. Get drunk with the guys from work, and laugh your guts out as you're puking into a  urinal shaped like a woman's lips. These vulgar men's restrooms were so offensive, they were removed from JFK airport in New York and from a McDonalds in the Netherlands. The people in the Netherlands must really appreciate artistic bathrooms, however, because I've never seen a McDonalds with a bathroom larger than two square feet in some scum tiled corner. Talk about reinstating gender roles. Is the progress toward asexual bathrooms being completely undone? Or are we so advanced bey...
In the 40s, society was recovering from the Great Depression and the second World War, and fashion and style came back with a bang. People finally had enough money to renovate and go shopping and they all wanted a taste of the American dream. Here in 2011, what better way to celebrate surviving our country's most recent recession than by renovating with a 1940s theme in mind! A glistening brass finish on the fixtures and decadent period lighting will achieve the vintage Hollywood glamor effect brilliantly. It wasn't until the 1950s that every home had a television set, and in the 40s it was the silver screen that determined what people dreamed about and desired. In films, men and women always wore fitted clothes, drank from crystal tumblers and displayed affectations of good breedin...
It might seem like your options are narrowed to wood, tile, and stone, but that's really just the start of the search for beautiful flooring. A lot of the best design flooring is a combination of wood flooring or other materials, and some of it is (surprise!) concrete. Mosaic flooring is at its best with this modern combo of steel, two colors of wood, and black stone. No one else will have it, and you shouldn't get bored with it. I'd probably spend hours tracing the pattern while I was on the phone or something. What's more rugged yet sophisticated than wood flooring that looks like crocodile wood? It looks great with wine, and I wouldn't be afraid to bring a strapping fellow or a leather couch home to it. Jim Lambie focuses on the design part of design flooring, using...
There are two kinds of people in this world: people who wash, and people who bathe. If you're the latter, you probably know what I mean  - whether you're taking a hot shower or a luxurious bubble bath, it isn't just about getting in, getting out, and getting clean. For bathers, the journey (the long soak, the relaxation) trumps the destination (merely getting clean). Now, as a huge fan and advocate of opulent bathrooms and home spas, I'm here to suggest a way to fit even more luxury into your bath-time paradise: put a freestanding bathtub in the middle of your room instead of sticking it against a wall. Jacuzzi Era Double-Ended Bath To have a home spa as such, you need a decent amount of space. Unfortunately, most of the big toys you might want to populate your bathroom with - like ...
Your kids might not like brushing their teeth, but I've never met a small child that didn't see the bathroom - especially the bathtub - as a place of adventure, and just another room to play in. And, of course, we all want to encourage those feelings to help promote good hygiene. But little ones are also notoriously fickle, and they grow up fast - so before you go painting that big mural of frogs across four walls, consider whether you want to have to re-remodel in five or ten years. If the answer is "not really," you want to start your redesign with two things in your mind: what your kids will love and be able to use, and what you'll be able to keep once they're in college. The bathtub is the heart of any kid's bathroom, and while your average run of the mill acrylic soaking tub ca...
Contemporary kitchen design isn't just new, it's really appealing. I found so many great contemporary style kitchen products that I won't spend your time talking. Take a look. Take a long look- lots of kitchen design ideas here. This contemporary style kitchen does a lot of things right. The most obvious are the custom cabinets by Canyon Creek. But there's a lot of style in the stainless steel, sleek fixtures, an island-style eating area, granite countertops, tile, contrasting flooring, shiny appliances, and effective but subtle lighting. Steal these kitchen design ideas with the products I've hunted down for you below. Stainless Steel Sinks Stainless sinks are a staple of every contemporary kitchen, both for style and use. What's a kitchen without a sink? Wide and squared off ...