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Rugs, jute and sisal

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Reg.:  $139.75
Sale:  $116.00
Reg.:  $110.50
Sale:  $91.00
Reg.:  $263.50
Sale:  $210.00

Rugs ideas and shopping tips

There are plenty of reasons to invest in a decorative rug. Whether you want to cover up cold hardwood floors in the winter, add a little something to a bland room, or just change up your decor, rugs come in a wide enough range of colors, textures, patterns, and prices to meet almost any need. And, to paraphrase The Dude, the right rug can really bring a room together. So what should you think abou...
A few years ago I brought some friends over to the house I grew up in. "Oh, wow!" one of them said as soon as we walked in the door. "I love these gorgeous hardwood floors!" My immediate response was, "Huh? Wow, we really do have hardwood floors!" Because, honestly, I had never noticed them before. So much of our house was covered in huge area rugs, with more unused ones rolled up and propped in t...
If you've decided to redecorate as part of your spring cleaning (of which it's never too early to start on), you may find your floors lacking in intrigue. Adding an area rug is a great start to forming a solid space, whether it be a living room, dining room, bedroom, or entryway. Home Thangs has a lot of different rug brands and styles to parse through, so to make rug shopping easier for you here ...
Finding the perfect accent for any room is hard. You have to balance the space with furniture and colors without it coming off as too bland and unmemorable or too over-the-top and loud. But you can make the task easier by utilizing a subtle part of the room: the area rug. You can accent a room with area rugs and make a spectacle of it through the use of color, positioning, and patterning and textu...