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Chandelier Contemporary Design Furniture Palani-Chandelier


Chandelier Contemporary Design Furniture Palani-Chandelier ideas and shopping tips from our blog.

When you hear the word "chandelier," you probably think of a huge fixture dripping crystals, with lots of little flame shaped lights - something you'd find in a ballroom or a fancy hotel. But not all chandeliers are quite so formal. In fact, I personally think that casual, rustic chandeliers are highly underrated >>>...
Chandeliers are typically associated with antique styles and old world design. You know the kind - big, imposing, crystal-laden chandeliers made to dominate large parlors or grand staircases and are more about look than lighting. But if your living space is a little more modern, never fear >>>...
"Chandelier" has come to mean a lot of things over the years. As the needs of homeowners change, they've become smaller, more contemporary, and taken on a lot of different designs. But sometimes a chandelier should just be a chandelier - big, beautiful, draped with crystals and in true royal form >>>...
Lighting is rarely a top priority when designing a home office. After all, there's a long list of expenses and considerations that have to come first, from furniture to electronics to simple connectivity. But good lighting is one of the few ways that you can make a home office feel more like home than the office >>>...
The chandelier is a mainstay of classic decor, harkening back to the homes of  wealthy nobility in Medieval times, and gaining broader popularity on and into the Romantic period. With remarkable staying power, they have persisted as a decorative form of lighting throughout various sources of power. Candles, gas lights, and electricity have all graced these elegant contraptions >>>...
Contemporary kitchen design isn't just new, it's really appealing. I found so many great contemporary style kitchen products that I won't spend your time talking. Take a look >>>...
When people talk about cooktops, it's typically in binary terms: electric or gas. But there's a third option that's starting to make its way onto that list: induction cooktops. These alternative cooktops are extremely energy efficient, using electromagnetic power to heat your food, which offers a whole range of benefits over traditional electric or gas units >>>...
I think many of us tend to take lighting fixtures for granted. After all, I'm willing to bet that - with maybe a few exceptions - most of the lighting fixtures in your home aren't terribly remarkable, and are maybe even a little bit boring. But I'm a big believer that the right lighting fixture can really make a room, and so much better if the design is a hop and a step outside the norm >>>...
Contemporary bathrooms emphasize clean, simple lines and open, uncluttered spaces. The first one is more or less easy to attain - after all, it's sort of built into the furnishing. But keeping clutter at bay in any room of the home - especially one as frequently used as the bathroom - isn't quite so easy >>>...
In a time where manufacturers are capable of resurrecting any furniture design from almost any point in history, it isn't much surprise that some older styles are making a comeback. At the forefront in bathroom and kitchen cabinetry is a revival of the Shaker style. Shaker bathroom vanities in particular are finding a new home in warm, casual contemporary bathrooms, with their elegant combination of sturdy construction, simple lines, and warm wood tones >>>...