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Steam Shower

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Steam Shower ideas and shopping tips from our blog.

A steam bath is not the same thing as a sauna. Each has their ups and downs, but both are therapeutic and medicinal. The steam room is the one where the heat is carried on thick clouds of mist emitted from steam heads, and although it might feel more intense than a sauna at first, it is actually a little bit cooler >>>...
My very favorite kitchen appliance (besides, of course, my trusty ice cream maker!) is my electric kettle. Now, granted, I started looking for one because I'm a pretty big tea drinker, but since I got one, I've found that they're good for a whole lot more than just tea. Whether you're looking to switch to French Press coffee, like to make risotto, or just really hate to wait for your water to heat up, an electric kettle is the fastest way to get your water from tap, bottle, or fridge to boiling - faster than the microwave or a stove-top kettle, and without the funky old-water/metal taste traditional kettles always seem to leave >>>...
I think that heat+water is possibly the best combination ever devised, excluding the summer in the deep south. Other than that, you name it - hot baths, hot showers, steam baths, saunas, hot springs - and I love it. I'm not alone, either >>>...
If my TV is to be believed, everyone and their mother is doing a massive dream bathroom renovation as we speak. But if that last episode of Bang For Your Buck left you green with envy and your bank account white with fear, you might still be able to get the luxury bathroom remodel you want without having to sell off your firstborn. How? There are a lot of ways, but one of my favorite is the steam shower >>>...
Whirlpool tubs were at the forefront of luxury bathroom design for years,  but these days the focus is all on showers. Multi-sprayer custom showers and sprawling steam showers are more conductive to a busy lifestyle, and steam showers especially come with a whole host of health benefits you can enjoy in quick 15 minute chunks. But plumbing, tiling, and constructing a custom shower - or especially a steam shower - from scratch can be expensive and time consuming >>>...
The weather is beginning to turn chilly and the allergy and flu seasons are well upon us. It's a time of year when health maintenance and wellness are on everyone's mind, so allow me to introduce you to something you may not have considered before: steam showers. Or, the ultimate in relaxation and home spa-treatments >>>...
Small bathrooms often get the short end of the stick when it comes to availability of luxury upgrades. After all, it's hard to have a big, sweeping shower stall when your bathroom itself is neither big nor sweeping, and ditto for a roomy soaking tub or whirlpool. In bathrooms where there isn't much space to spare, you often end up having to choose between having either a shower or a bathtub, or combining them into a single unit, which all too often means a boring acrylic bathtub shower combination that doesn't feel very luxurious at all >>>...
A friend bought an oil-heated house last fall and bunkered down for winter with the somewhat dreaded knowledge that winter would be cold, dreary and expensive; she was paying about $200/month to heat a small, 3-bedroom house. When winter started to surrender to spring and it began to warm up outside, she thought that her oil expenses were temporarily going to diminish. But even into the summer months, she was still spending close to $100 on oil without heating the house at all >>>...
There are plenty of ways to save water in the shower without making it a group shower. You can rescue our planet's water and also rescue your wallet when your utilities bill arrives. You might consider some cute water saving gadgets to let you know when to stop showering to save water >>>...
Nobody deserves having to suffer a wimpy shower. Last year, it felt like my shower head wasn't even trying anymore. In the morning when my eyes don't open and my throat is scratchy, I am counting on my shower to get me exhilarated and fresh to face the day >>>...